- 1 result found
- Childhood statelessness
- 1954 Statelessness Convention
- National
- Switzerland
- Clear
Court name: Federal Administrative Court (Bundesverwaltungsgericht)
State: Switzerland
Date of decision:
Legal instruments: 1954 Statelessness Convention
Key aspects: Access to social and economic rights, Burden of proof, Childhood statelessness, Determination/confirmation of nationality, Exclusion grounds, Protection, Stateless status and documentation, Statelessness and asylum, Statelessness determination
Applicants requested to be recognised as stateless in addition to having already been recognised as refugees. The judgments deals with the question of whether refugee status is comparable in rights to the status of nationals within the meaning of the exclusion clause in Article 1(2) of the 1954 Convention. The Court sides with the applicants confirming their right to be recognised as stateless persons in addition to having been granted asylum-based residence status.